June 3, 2010

Cozumel ain't gonna race itself!

Okay, so I've been on this "no gluten, no dairy" thing for a few months now, well, let's say I've been 90% free of those things...anyway, I have fallen off the wagon a bit recently (mmmm bread, cheese, mmmmm) - I would liken this to Homer Simpson in his chocolate fantasy...okay, get ahold of yourself Heather.  When the doc first said, "okay, so here are your test results and I would recommend cutting out dairy..." I thought, that kinda sucks, but I can manage that without too much trouble....then she continued, "and gluten and eggs and beef" WTF?!  So what the hell am I supposed to eat!?  I was skeptical, but figured if I really want to nip all these health issues in the bud I should give this a go.  Well, I have to say that after a few initial days of near starvation I got a handle on things; preparing meals ahead of time for lunch, adding lots more protein, stocking my office drawers with various snacks of nuts and fruit.  I must admit that I felt 100% better after a few weeks - no more congestion, increased energy, no more energy slumps throughout the day, weightloss (minimal, more of a water retention thing I think), improved sleep and better recovery from workouts.  Most importantly however, I have not been sick, even in the slightest, since I started eating this way.  This takes me back to the beginning of this post where I mentioned that I have fallen off the wagon a bit recently; I am getting back on today because the congestion has returned and my energy has been lower and I don't think a few pieces of cheese or a bagel with cream cheese matter when the bigger picture is having a great training season and a great race in Cozumel in November.  I've put too much into this to fall back now, so adios again cheese and gluten, hola mis amigos: almond milk, rice protein powder and rice pasta...mmmmm, good times ;)