February 23, 2011

Inspired by JT: What to do when one is overly uninspired?

Been awhile since the last post, mostly because there hasn't been much to say.  It feels like I had my head down for an entire two years working towards my triathlon goals and now that I'm taking a step back into the real world....I'm not sure what to do.  I am sort of coachless this year; well I have an "advisor" or more like several advisors as we all know people are always more than happy to give you their two cents worth whether you want it or not, but I'm mostly on my own to figure out how the hell to improve upon what I've built thus far and basically not get too fat and out of shape.  Problem is I'm relatively uninspired most days. 

Yes I have signed up for several races this year:  a 10km run, a half marathon and two half ironmans, but I'm having trouble focusing on a solid training schedule.  I've been doing some zone 4 stuff for a few weeks and it's already paying off, but when it comes time to focus on stuff like nutrition, streching/yoga, core work, my mental game (no not that mental game cause we all know that ones a lost cause), etc..; you know, all the stuff that REALLY gets you to the finish line in one piece, well.....I'm just not motivated enough to work hard on it.  I reaped the rewards last year of working hard on all of those things and I do believe I will get even bigger rewards if I continue to focus, but, meh, there's always tomorrow...:)

All that being said, things are good.  I've already started to take off the 5lbs gained after IM, yes, yes, 5lbs isn't much, but after it took almost 2 years to lose 20lbs, 5 is REALLY hard to get rid of!  I really want to go to yoga on a regular basis, but just can't manage it time-wise with work and other training and life in general.  I feel like I need a jumpstart, a jolt of sorts to get me going.  I have been tasered before...hmmm, maybe that would work.  Or maybe all I need is to revisit some things from last year, like get back on the good food plan and off the cerveza bandwagon and just plain get going again!  Well shit, now it's out there, you all know I've been slacking sort of, now I'm sort of accountable, well, I would be if I gave a crap about what anyone thought about what I was doing - muwahahaha.  I kid.  I kid.  I will get my ass to the pool at least once per week and I will push hard in my running so I don't lose the gains I've made (also because I've secretly become a lover of running - shhhhh!) and I will get on my damn bike trainer twice a week or more and get my ass into that ugly zone 4.  Really, the best motivation is that I simply MUST defeat El Jeffe come July at the Subaru HIM (aka The Brown-Seeley Showdown), or at least die trying (more like die laughing as he grimaces and hauls ass just so as not to concede defeat).