July 31, 2009

Final Countdown

Am I freaking out??? Nope, strangely enough I feel good about it all and ready to rock on August 30th. We just returned from a 5 day training camp with our coaches in the Okanagan during which we rode and ran the IMC course. I got sick during the run, but drove the course with our coach and he gave me a meter by meter run through of what to expect.

Jeff and I just signed up with SUGOI to be Brand Champions (see logo link). It's a sweet deal where you get 50% off SUGOI gear and are able to purchase limited edition designs. All we have to do is wear the stuff and tell people about it. Looks like my race kit won't match my bike, but Jeff and I will match - yay matchy matchy...insert eyeroll here. Crikey, sometimes I think we're not far off from those older couples with matching purple-paisley velor track suits - as you can see by my not-so-pleased look in the pic I'm not looking forward to those paisley tracksuit days, but I do love my new kit!

See yah at Ironman bitches...muwahahahaha. Remember the race starts 21km into the run, so heed the warnings all you hot doggers.


R said...

Got your comment Heather and THANK YOU! I see you're doing IMC too--it would be nice to meet you guys, please say hi if you see me in Penticton. I wish you and Jeff an enjoyable taper and a fun day of racing on the 30th.

Brad said...

Hi Heather

I responded to your question about P90X on my site.
