March 18, 2010

5.4 km of pain

I went out too fast, like an idiot and it cost me in time and pain.  Ended up 3rd chick overall, but it was a small, local crowd, so no big deal.  I really only care about my time, as in besting my last 5km race.  I wasn't looking at my time the whole race, just at my HR with occasional peeks at my km pace.  Things looked good as I was playing catch-up with this 13 year old punk kid who was never going to let me pass him no matter how it hurt him :)  It was actually great to run with (or should I say, behind, as he would speed up anytime I got close) him until the last 500m or so when I told him to giv-er unless he wanted a girl to beat him - that fast little bastard took off grunting! hahaha.  Boys (including grown up boys) and their incessant worries of being chicked never cease to amaze me.  Anyway, I digress, so after the kid takes off I take a quick peek at my overall time...23 and counting!!?? WTF?!  I've been running 4:15 kilometers so this is not freakin' possible.  I cross the line in 23 something and am about to get pissed off at myself for miscalculating when I see that good ole GPS says the course is 400 m long and further investigation with said GPS reveals a new 5km PB of 22:02.  Not too shabby for the run-hater.  Now it's onto that stinkin' half marathon PB - oh yes, it will be mine.

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