July 13, 2010

Quit bitching and get moving!

[There are still many triathlon milestones that I have yet to reach, but I firmly believe that what I have accomplished thus far has resulted from my inability to see the numerous obstacles in my way. I clung to what most others would have considered unrealistic goals and struggled doggedly towards them until they were within my reach—only to then look back and see all of those mountains in the distance.  

“Where had they been when I started?” I wondered. The fact is that the obstacles were there all along, but if I had taken too much time to think about them, I wouldn’t have had the time, energy, or belief to move towards my goals.  

Where do you want to go? What is your goal? Are you going to get stuck thinking about what stands between you and your goal, or are you going to figure out how to get there? Do you want to think about why you don’t have time to jog three times per week, or are you going to decide which days to set the alarm clock 30 minutes early so you can set yourself on track towards your goal? What is it worth to you?"]

- Hillary Biscay


1 comment:

Hassan said...

damn! I felt slack because i was sitting here reading your blog...tis made me NEED to go find something to do! :) I LOVE IT!