July 3, 2013

Bought a new hat

Yes, that is the title of this post.  I am that excited about this hat!  Can't wait to race in it - pft, who needs a stinkin' visor.
I have been a good girl and not purchased any new bikes or bike components so I figured a hat was the least I could do for my return to IM racing this year.  Ok, so I got a few other things: bike shoes, two new tri outfits, a TRX and some Trigger Point therapy, but considering I was thinking about buying this:
I think I made a much more economical choice with the above items.  One day that bike will be mine.  One day and $10K - YIKES!!!

So enough about shopping, what the hell am I buying this stuff for anyway?  This time last year another IM race seemed to only be a pipe dream for me as we were simply too busy trying to buy our first home, get the hubby situated in a new career (anyone need a plumber?) and go hard at paying off remaining debt from my student loans - at least I finally hung up my degree (aka, $50K piece of paper).  But then, we went to watch our friends take on IMC and the hubby said I should do another IM next year because I clearly loved it - YES!!! the go ahead!!  Well I didn't take long to let that comment stew and I signed up for IM Cozumel in 2013.  I was at this point about 2 months into Crossfit, and loving it by the way, so I stuck with that for the fall, worked on my running, got on the bike trainer a few times and hit the pool exactly zero times.  

Fast forward a few more months and here I am, 5 months out from another Ironman, 2 weeks out from a HIM and feeling ok about all of it.  I took a sabbatical from Crossfit, promising to be back on Dec 9, 2013 (2 days after returning from the IM in Mexico - hey, why get all soft and lazy, just get right back into med ball squats and burpees, yay) and am up to 15+hrs per week of triathlon training.  The achilles seems to be holding up pretty well and I am trying to stay on top of strength work to maintain the work I put into 8mo of Crossfit.

I guess if all else fails I will at least have an awesome hat to wear to this years' races.

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