July 21, 2010

Ahhhh, training camp.  Upon arriving this year, I felt much more at ease than last year.  Sure, I've only done a few races; been at this less than a few years now, but somehow getting that first year under my belt has really helped to ease the nervous apprehension.  Granted I still have SOOOOO much to learn, but when you are surrounded by so many people who are as much giddy as scared shitless about their first Ironman, I felt lucky to have taken in as much info as I did last year.  Of course, my big race is still many months away and most at this camp were preparing for Ironman Canada in a little over a month, so I suppose this could just be the calm before the storm of Cozumel.  

I remember how overwhelmed I felt last year:  I have to ride for how long!?  Salt comes in pills?!  The race starts halfway through the run?!  Diaper cream and Gas-X aren't just for babies?!  The nutrition calculation sheets seemed more complicated than my 2nd year calculus class, which I failed miserably by the way.  Meh, details, details, just relax, go in confident and calm and your race will go just how you want it to.  In any case, it was fun to be with all these people, listening to them share info, ask hundreds of questions and worry about every little detail, when in reality they are all ready to do the race, but just don't realize it yet.  I'm really looking forward to watching them all on race day and am sure they'll all have a wicked day, so long as they don't dust my time from last year too badly hehehe, I kid, I kid, I hope they dust the crap out of it! :)

There's nothing quite like the smell of neoprene in the morning.


Maggs said...

Just found your blog. I'm going to do Cozumel too. And yeah, diaper creme is awesome!

Jeff said...

I found your theme song:

Jeff said...

If you go to ironbandmusic.com and click on "The Music" link, they let you download the song for free. Most of their songs are pretty funny. Heard about them from imtalk podcast and when I saw "I Don't Mind (Bein' Passed by a Chick)" I thought of you immediately.