November 1, 2010

The End Is Nigh

Hard to believe that it's been almost a full year of training hard for IM Cozumel.  Had some ups and downs, but mostly ups.  All in all I think it's been a good year.  Bike strength is much better than last year, run is heaps and bounds better and the swim is still consistent, not faster, but I'm ok with that - something to work on next year.

Put a lot of time into diet and mental toughness this year.  I think the mind game is what will make or break my race on Nov. 28th so I'm going to be prepared with a good arsenal.  In the past the conversation with myself has gone like this, "Holy shit I'm tired, this is brutal!! Why don't I just slow down for a bit to recoup?  No big deal, it's ok..." and there goes that run.  This time it's gonna go like this, "I could run forever like this.  My body is prepared for this and I am not going to give up.  STFU brain, no one cares what you think right now!  Leave the body alone and let it do it's thing."

The end is nigh and I have never been more ready for it to come.  The whole thing is so anticlimactic. We bust out 10-20+ hr weeks all year and then it all comes down to one day - ONE FREAKIN' DAY!!  To me, this is the key, the work is done, relax and let the race happen.  Stay calm and stick to the plan.  ENJOY the race for crying out loud!  If I'm able to do all these things then my goals will get met.  I can't control certain things on race day, but I can certainly control how I react to them.

1 comment:

Hassan said...

Spoken like a true veteran! I think I forgot about that part…enjoying the race! How can you not right?! It’s Cozumel!!! : ) The distance is doable…the training has been done like you said! It’s time to enjoy the fruits of our labor! (lol then why am I so nervous lol)